Environment Sustainability in Maharaja Ranjit Singh Governance

During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time, people likely practised sustainable farming by using traditional methods that worked with nature.

The construction of canals for agriculture also suggests careful water management.

Besides, it’s reasonable to think that communities relied on forests and natural resources responsibly.

There is only limited information about this subject on his matter.

People probably lived in a way that balanced their needs with taking care of the environment, even if they didn’t use the term “environmental sustainability” back then.

Ranjit Singh’s Farming Wisdom

Ranjit Singh likely supported smart farming, helping Punjab’s agriculture.


Smart Water Use During Maharaja Ranjit Singh Reign

His canals, like the Upper Bari Doab Canal, showed smart water use for better farming.


Saving Forests Planning in Ranjit Singh Empire

Preserving trees for construction might have been a focus, protecting the environment.


Effective and Green City Planning

Amritsar’s growth may have considered keeping the city clean and green.

Kind and Active for Animal Care

He took measurable steps to care for animals used in farming and transport might have been in place.


Ranjit Singh’s Nature Knowledge

Using traditional nature know-how, Ranjit Singh likely balanced human activities with nature.

Remember, while we see some clues in historical bits, the full environmental picture of that time isn’t entirely clear.

We provided knowledge on what could be possible for environmental sustainability in Maharaja Ranjit Singh Empire.